Year 8 Trip to Tafaria Castle

3rd March 2017

Over the half term weekend, students of Year 8 travelled to Tafaria Castle on their pastoral trip. It was a great experience for them to bond and connect with their peers as well as teachers outside the class room setting. They were able to successfully spend two nights and three days there. They participated in fun team activities such as chariot racing, horse riding among others.

Planting Trees


On one of their days at Tafaria, the Year 8’s  decided to give back to the community around them by donating books. These books had been collected on a lively book drive back at school to help start a library for the nearby school, Nyambugichi Primary School. It seemed like a simple enough deed to the Braestars but the students at Nyambugichi School, now had books to read in their spare time and they joy was evident.

Making donations

In addition to the books, they participated in a tree planting activity at the school. Braestars had fun interacting with the students and left the school thankful for what they have and grateful to have had a chance to touch somebody’s life.

Planting Trees

 Tafaria Castle, out of gratitude, presented a  Parchment of Honour to Braeside school for their support and inspiring interaction with Nyambugichi Primary School.

Parchment of Honour

Yr. 8 Pastoral Trip

It was a wonderful experience  going to Nyambugichi Primary School on our trip. We were able to donate over 100 books and the children seemed very happy. We also played football with them and it was so much fun. The girls were able to play girl games. We bonded with them a lot and it was a good and fun day. We ended the trip by planting trees in their grounds. I had lots of fun.  By: Mutuma

Community Service

Being a student in Year 8

‘There are many ups and downs about being a student especially one in Year 8.

Being a student in Year 8 is quite exciting. We get a chance to learn and make mistakes while at the same time learning from our mistakes. It is an amazing experience and we get to grow our minds and learn about ourselves in order to grow as people.

Yr. 8 Students

 We have the chance to learn in a very safe and friendly environment. We are given a chance to explore our creative side as we strive to make ourselves better in everything we do.

  It is really a great chance for us to figure out what we are good at whether it is academics, sport or even art! Year 8 is our opportunity to establish the roots and foundation to our education and our future. By Estime


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence