Year 6 Week 4 Newsletter:Term 2

30th January 2021

Dear parent/Guardian,

This is the end of another successful week. We are glad that all the Braestars are in good health and that they have tried their best to follow all the protocols and guidelines given to ensure they are safe.

New Braestar

Join me in welcoming another new Braestar who joined us this week. A big welcome Hailey K. to Braeside School. This is what she had to say:

‘My first week of school was wonderful at Braeside. I love the school. It is very different from my former school and I have enjoyed every moment. I am happy in the school and the environment is great.’

Meet Hailey-6Y.jpg

Students’ Council Leaders

The students’ Council held their internal elections and nominated the following to take various roles:

  • President: Pendo M.
  • Vice President: Austin M.
  • Secretary: Samira D.
  • Year One representatives: Jewel B. and Leon K.
Pendo M. President jpg.jpg
Pendo M.-President
Austin M.- Vice President .jpg
Austin M.-Vice President
Samira D. Secretary.jpg
Samira D.-Secretary
Jewel B. Year 1 representative .jpg
Jewel B.-Year 1 Representative
Leon M. Year 1 representative.jpg
Leon M.-Year 1 Representative

Mathletics Week

We will be having our Mathletics week from Monday, 1st to Friday, 5th February 2021. Our theme this year is ‘EcoMaths’ as we explore maths and sustainability in line with our term target #planet’spartners

We have a lot of exciting activities lined up for the students. On Friday, we will all dress up in green as we culminate the week.

A glimpse of learning this week…

English Mathematics Science History
Writing a spy story Algebra Special designs Buildings in Nairobi functions

Coming up next week…

English Mathematics Science History
Poetry (Finding a voice) Algebra and Mathletics Evolution of man Famous Personalities

Final Thoughts

Feel free to get in touch with us for any questions or concerns.

Wishing you a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence