Year 6 Week 14 Newsletter

14th December 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

What a wonderful term it has been! We are grateful to have had the opportunity to teach the pupils both in school and online. This has been a great experience as the children proved to be good netizens as they embraced our annual target, ‘I am a Global Citizen.’ They have also worked very hard and are ready for their much-deserved break. We wish to thank you for the immense support you have accorded us throughout the term.

Last days of school

The children enjoyed eating, dancing, singing, playing games among other forms of entertainment as we celebrated the end of the term together. Those attending physical school had a picnic as well as an entertaining talent show.

Picnic photo speak....

Owen and Aaron getting ready for the picnic

Owen and Aron setting up for the picnic..jpg

Girls' picnic corner

Girls' Picnic Corner.jpg

It's picnic time

Picnic time.jpg

Returning of Books

You are required to return the following books to the school library:

Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book A; Tudor and Stuart Times; Street Child, Boy and Going Solo and any other reading book. The library will be open every weekday from 9:00am to 3:30pm until Monday, 21st December 2020.

Upcoming Author

One of our Braestars, Marie ouedraogo, has published a book titled, ‘Just Like a Dream Covid-19 Changed the Life.’ Join me in congratulating her and wishing her all the best in the journey she has commenced.

Marie signing her books

Marie signing her books..jpg

Term 2

The reopening of school in January will be phased. As such, the year 6 pupils are expected to report on 5th January 2021 as communicated earlier. Kindly review the Health and Hygiene Handbook with your child to ensure everyone is safe once we get back to school.

A glimpse of learning last week…

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Biography writing Time Healthy living Tudor life

Final Thoughts

We wish you happy holidays, a merry Christmas and a Prosperous new year. Looking forward to seeing you in January.

As always, feel free to get in touch with us using the school phone numbers and emails.

Enjoy your Holidays,

Year 6 Team.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence