Year 6 Week 13 Newsletter

5th December 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have enjoyed another successful and fun filled week. Learning will continue next week until Thursday, 10th December. School will close on Friday, 11th December.

Science Projects

The pupils did fantastic projects on the circulatory system and presented them this week. We wish to thank you all for supporting them. A lot of learning took place as some made 3-D models of the heart while others made brochures with information on how the heart works.

Marie explaining how the human heart works..jpg
Marie explaining how the human heart works
Naithan holding his heart model..jpg
Nathan holding his heart model
Shakira holding her science project..png
Shakira holding her heart project

Some of Year 6 Panama students holding their projects

Some of the year 6 Panama pupils holding their projects..png

KS2 Christmas Presentation

This Friday, we had the opportunity to watch a compilation of Christmas songs and instrumentals done by the year four to six pupils. A big well done to all the participants for a fantastic job. We wish to thank you all for supporting us in this.

Part of the Christmas choir.jpeg
Ready to sing..jpeg

Christmas in Style

On Thursday, 10th December, the pupils attending physical school will have a talent and fashion show. Encourage your child to rehearse their presentation and be ready to showcase their talent. On the same day, we will have a picnic lunch together. Remind your child to carry picnic food and a blanket or mat. This will also be a non-uniform day and the children are encouraged to wear Christmas colours.

Commendation Assembly

Our last assembly will be held on Friday, 11th December at 9:00am. This will be done online. The pupils attending physical school will not go to school on this day.

A glimpse of learning this week..

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Biography interviews; Active and Passive voice. Division with a remainder Components of blood; Project presentations. Tudor Monarchs: (Mary I and Elizabeth I)

Coming up next week....

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Biography writing Time Healthy living Tudor life
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence