Year 6 Week 11 Newsletter

21st November 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have reached the end of yet another fun-filled week of learning!

Kiswahili Day

This week on Thursday, we celebrated our Kiswahili Day themed, ‘Naitambua Lugha Yangu’ (I recognise my language). The students took part in various activities including watching Swahili stories, designing Swahili clothes and ornaments and sampling Swahili delicacies. We all dressed up in Swahili attire on that day.

Leon wearing a kanzu.jpg
Austin in his Swahili outfit.jpg
These girls were not left out.jpg
Naitambua lugha yangu.jpg

Prefects Inauguration

On Friday, 20th November 2020, the prefects were awarded their ties and badges in a short ceremony in the school theatre. They were really excited to be given the powers to execute their duties as leaders.

Receiving the tie and badge.jpg
Receiving the tie and badge
Receiving the badge and tie.jpg
Receiving the tie and badge
Headgirl and Headboy.jpg
Maceo W. (Headboy) and Kakea M. (Headgirl)
The School Prefects.jpg
The School Prefects

End of Term Tests

Next week, the students will sit for their end of term tests as shown in the timetable below. Kindly ensure your child revises well.

Monday, 23rd November 2020 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 8:30 am-9:30 am Mathematics (Arithmetic): 9:45 am-10:45 am
Tuesday, 24th November 2020 English Writing: 8:30 am-9:30 am French: 11:00 am-12:00 noon
Wednesday, 25th November 2020 English Reading: 9:45 am-10:45 am Science: 11:00 am-12:00 noon
Thursday, 26th November 2020 Kiswahili: 8:30 am-9:30 am Humanities: 11:00 am-12:00 noon
Friday, 27th November 2020 Mathematics (Reasoning): 8:30 am-9:30 am

Writing test

We have attached a writing page in your child’s Google classroom for those learning online. The test will be done on Tuesday from 8:30am to 9:30 am. Kindly facilitate the printing of the document before then and keep it safely in a file. Please note that there will be no printing during the test to save on time.

A glimpse of learning this week…

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Biographies and Autobiographies; Phrases; Colons and semicolons. Measurement (Converting units of length). Parts of the heart; Pulse investigation. Use of secondary sources of information.
Henry VIII and his 6 wives

Coming up next week…

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Revision and end of term tests. Revision and end of term tests. Revision and end of term tests. Revision and end of term tests.

Final Thoughts

As always, feel free to get in touch with us using the school phone numbers and emails.

Enjoy your Weekend,

Year 6 Team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence