Year 6 Week 10 Newsletter

14th November 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of week 10. Both the physical and online learning has gone on smoothly. We wish to thank you for your support.

Inter-House Quiz

The students participated in a very competitive inter-house quiz. They answered questions in: general knowledge, entertainment and books, sports, pictorial and rapid fire rounds. The positions were as follows:

Green House-1st

Yellow House-2nd

Blue House-3rd

Red House-4th


Remembrance Day

On Wednesday, we joined the rest of the world in honouring the members of the armed forces who died in the line of duty. We wore red poppies, a symbol of their sacrifice, lest we forget.

Kiswahili Day

Next week on Thursday, we will celebrate our Kiswahili Day themed, ‘Naitambua Lugha Yangu’ (I recognise my language.) The students will take part in various activities including watching Swahili stories, designing Swahili clothes and ornaments and sampling Swahili delicacies. We will all dress up in Swahili attire on that day. Looking forward to your full support and involvement.

A glimpse of learning this week…

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Comparing biographies and autobiographies; Pronouns; Hyphens. Geometry (Position and Direction). Body Systems (Introduction to the Circulatory system) Tudor and Stuart Times (The War of the Roses)

Coming up next week........

English Mathematics Science Humanities
Biographies and Autobiographies; Phrases; Colons and Semicolons. Measurement (Converting units of length). Parts of the heart; Pulse investigation. Use of secondary sources of information.
Henry VIII and his 6 wives.
Ready for class.png
Ready for class
Safe Distance.png
Safe distance

Final Thoughts

As always, feel free to get in touch with us using the school phone numbers and emails.

Enjoy your Weekend,

Year 6 Team.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence