Year 6 Newsletter - Week 9 Term 3

19th June 2021

This has been a very exciting week for the students as they completed their end of year tests and dived into experiential learning. We enjoyed connecting electric circuits in science and carrying out surveys and research in mathematics and humanities.

Electric circuits 1.jpg
Electric circuits 2.jpg
Electric circuit 3.jpg
Measuring heights Maths lesson .jpg

Parent Teacher Review Meetings

These will take place on Wednesday, 23rd and Thursday, 24th June 2021 on the Whereby platform that was piloted last term. You will receive a link to book your appointments. Kindly check your child’s planner for their respective set teachers in order to book appropriately.


This event will take place on Tuesday, 6th July 2021 from 10:00a.m to 12:00 noon at the school field. The dress code for the children will be as follows:

Girls: Black dress with red or white accessories.

Boy: Black suit, white shirt with a red or black tie, black shoes.

You will receive more information and the programme in due course.

A glimpse of learning this week

English Balanced arguments, connectives
Mathematics Statistics
Science Electricity
Geography Natural Disasters: Tsunamis
History Shang Dynasty; FU Hao

Coming up next week

English Balanced arguments, Reading for meaning
Mathematics Statistics
Science Electricity
Geography Natural Disasters: Earthquakes
History Shang Dynasty; Comparing the Shang dynasty and modern day China

Feel free to get in touch with us for any questions or concerns.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence