Year 6 Newsletter Week 3

18th September 2021

Receive our greetings once again. It is hard to believe that it is already the end of the third week! The students are now settled and the syllabus coverage is going on very well. We also hope that home-study time is also well utilised. Kindly encourage your child to complete all home-learning tasks.

Parents’ Meeting

We wish to thank all the parents and guardians who attended the meeting. We hope it was fruitful and we look forward to working together in support of the children. Kindly check your emails for a copy of the powerpoint presentation that was used.

Student Leadership

The student council elections took place on Wednesday, 15th September 2021. This was a very competitive event that saw many candidates vying for the various positions. Join me in congratulating the following candidates who were successful: George I., Jasmine M., Kaylie C., Leul E. and Rowan K.

We will inform you of their roles in the next newsletter. We also commend all the other aspirants for being proactive. We wish all of them all the best as they try to take up leadership positions in future.

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George I.
Jasmine M.
Kaylie C.
Leul E.
Rowan K.

A glimpse of learning this week...

Mathematics Drawing nets and building 3-D shapes.
English Describing settings, Using commas to clarify meaning.
Science Protists
Geography Formation of mountains.
History Henry’s wives (Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn).
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence