Year 6 Newsletter - Week 11 Term 3

3rd July 2021

We have come to a successful end of week 11. The students continued to appreciate their teachers by giving them cards which they had made. They are now eagerly waiting for the end of the term.


Graduation and class Party

We wish to remind you of our graduation ceremony which will take place on Tuesday, 6th July 2021 in the school theatre. It is our hope that all parents have received the invitation cards and that your child’s attire is ready. We look forward to seeing you all. Remember to carry the invitation card in order to be allowed into the theatre.

On Friday, 9th July 2021, the students will have their final class party. Kindly buy your child some snacks for this day. This will also be a non-uniform day and school will end at 12:00 noon. Kindly make arrangements to pick your child on time.

A glimpse of learning this week…

English Balanced arguments, Reading for meaning
Mathematics Circumference of circles
Science Electricity
Geography Comparing life in the Shang dynasty and modern China
History Natural Disasters: Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

Coming up next week…

English Balanced arguments, Reading for meaning
Mathematics Area of circles
Science Electricity
Geography Comparing life in the Shang dynasty and Kenya
History Natural Disasters: Volcanic eruptions
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence