Year 5 Week 10 Newsletter

14th November 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Warm greetings from the Year 5 family. Your child's review meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 17th November 2020. We look forward to seeing you to discuss your child's progress.

Annual Kiswahili Day

This will be held on Thursday, 19th November 2020 and this year's theme is "NAITAMBUA LUGHA YANGU." Braestars will have a chance to cook different Swahili delicacies and also design some clothes worn by the Swahili people. 

Year 5 pupils will design Swahili clothes (kanga, dera, kanzu, kofia, hijab ,buibui etc) and make Swahili ornaments like herini (earrings), ushanga (both neck, ankle and wrist piece) using beads like the Swahili people do.

Below are samples of Swahili clothes and dishes;

Swahili Clothes.jpg
Swahili dishes.jpg

Kindly encourage the Braestars to take photos of themselves as they engage in different activities and share them with us for record purposes.

God bless,

Year 5 Team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence