Year 5 Newsletter Week 4

25th September 2021

Next week will be our Nutrition Week from Monday, 27th September - Friday 1st October 2021.

The week that has been ………!

Maths Lessons; Pupils visualising and drawing 3-D shapes from different sides.

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Maths IMG-20210924-WA0005.jpg

Science Project; Pupils have been exploring the life cycles of animals. They are required to research, compare and contrast life cycles of two different animals for their project. Please check the google classroom and your child’s book to see the requirements, guidelines and the marking rubric to be able to facilitate their learning process. The deadline is on 25th October, 2021.

Students Council 2021/2022; We congratulate Mali M. and Travis O. who are our students representatives this academic year.

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……….It’s my Birthday…..

Happy 10th birthday to Olivia A., Kaya G., Sonia O. and Adrian A. Congratulations, September marks your first double-digit birthday.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence