Year 4 Week 9 Newsletter

7th November 2020

Welcome back to the second half of the term. It is great to see the children well rested and ready to learn. We began the term with quite a number of exciting activities.

We held the annual Inter-house Quiz on Thursday. The houses were ably represented as indicated below;

Yellow House: Leroy, Leilani, Alma, Stephen

Blue House: Aaron, Laith, Rahaf, Kaya

Green House: Alexis M , Ian K, Rebecca, Cindy

Red House: Peniel, Hawi, Nicole, Baraka

All the participants put their best foot forward. However, Yellow House took the day. Congratulations to all the participants.

inter house quiz  (1).PNG
inter house quiz.PNG

Coming up next week.....

Mathematics English Science Geography History
Decimal Fractions Non chronological texts. To know the different kinds of human teeth and understand how the shape of the teeth is linked to their function. Major Biomes Understand why the Romans were able to defeat the Celts in Battle.
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence