Year 4 Week 4 Newsletter

3rd October 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The better part of the week saw the interested candidates campaigning vigorously for the position of Student Council. The children voted for their preferred candidate. This was the first time voting was done online! The successful candidates were Alana G. and Kanina K. We wish them well as they take up their new duties.

Next week is the annual English Week . The theme this year is 'Around the world in five days' and we will be exploring Arabian Folktales. We look forward to an exciting week.

What's happening next week...

English Mathematics Science History Geography
Arabian Folktales Times table screening Decision Keys Roman Roads and Trade Climate zones
Monday - breakfast at 8.00 am to launch the theme of the week. Equivalent fractions
Friday -Children to dress in Arabian themed attire. Non-unit fractions
Assembly- folktale trivia.
Children take photos and videos to document activities through the week.

Wishing you a restful weekend,

Year 4 Team.

kanina .jpg
Alanna- student council elect.jpg
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence