Year 4 Week 10 Newsletter

14th November 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Next week we will be celebrating the annual Swahili Day. This year's theme will be "NAITAMBUA LUGHA YANGU."

Braestars will have a chance to cook different Swahili delicacies and also design some clothes worn by the swahili people.

They will take time to research about and make Swahili foods including pilau, chips mayai, pweza, mtori, samosa, mandazi, bhajia, kaimati etc. Kindly accord them the necessary support they may need in terms of getting ingredients for the dishes.

The culmination of the week will be on Thursday 19th November 2020. Children will get to showcase the various projects they have been working on. They will also attend class in a Swahili outfit.

Coming up next week…………..

Maths English Science Geography History
Estimating, Recording and Rounding mass. Poetry Understanding the role of the tongue in the digestive system. Earth as a blanket Know some of the benefits the Romans brought after they invaded Britain.

The week in pictures.......

Sachi's home made-Bhajia.png
Sachi's homemade bhajias
Maleena's presentation.jpg
Maleena's during a presentation
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence