Year 3 Week 5 Newsletter

9th October 2020

We have spent the first week of October travelling ‘Around the World in Five Days’, which has been our theme for the English Week. Our focus reader was ‘Aladdin and the Magic Lamp’.

We commend the children’s creative skills in writing descriptive sentences using powerful adjectives and sharing memorable summaries with added twists to make the story more interesting. They shared their knowledge on the facts learned about the Middle East culture. Some of the children cooked and on Friday they all looked splendid in their awesome Arabian costumes.

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Food 3.jpg
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Abigail -Arabian Outfit.jpg
Alesta's Breakfast on Monday.jpg
Jayden Eating Breakfast With His Class.jpeg
Anastasia's Breakfast on Monday.jpg

Our Learning Focus Next Week

English Mathematics Science Geography History
Poetry, Add the suffix –ing and –ed to verbs, Fronted Adverbial and comma Measurements Nutrition in Animals including Humans Technology Around Us The Neolithic Era


Kindly remind your child to keep any printed tasks in a file. The worksheets will be useful in preparing for our tests that will come at the end of the term.

Braestars of the Week

This week, we celebrate the following children who have displayed readiness for lessons by;

  • Being punctual
  • Listening to instructions
  • Participating actively
  • Remaining on task during lessons
  • Aiming to meet this term's target #noblenetizen
3G 3R 3Y
Munira M. Lila D. Jayden P.
Olive K. Tresor K. Ng’ang’a G.
Nate W. Aaron C. Amani M.
Henri O. Ryan M. Maya O.

Happy Birthday

This week, we celebrated two birthdays; Jayden N. and Adam E. We wish you both a fantastic year.

Tip for the Week

#noblenetizen is our target this term.

We wish to remind our Braestars to take the breaks off the screen seriously, to stay active and not to forget to play.

Quote for the Week

‘Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.’ - Mason Cooley

Have a great weekend,

Year 3 Team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence