Year 3 Week 4 Newsletter:Term 2

30th January 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The third week came to a successful close yesterday. The children continue to make good progress in coverage of the curriculum in different subject areas. We are grateful for the support you continue to give us.


Mathletics Week

This will take place next week and this year's theme is EcoMaths. In line with our term’s target, #planet'spartners, the children will seek to adapt activities that promote sustainability as they deepen their understanding in Maths.

On Friday, 5th February 2021, the children will dress in green to wrap up what is promising to be a refreshing week of fun with numbers.


Year 3 children will sit for the New Group Reading Test (NGRT) on Monday, 1st February 2021. The test will be administered online. Therefore, we request for your support in allowing your child to carry a fully charged laptop or iPAD to school for the exercise.


Kindly remind your child to carry a sunhat to wear during playtime and outdoor learning activities.

Our Learning Focus Next Week

Subject Objectives
English Understanding fables
Mathematics. Mathlectics & Perimeter
Geography Model a Safari Park
History Building of the Kenya-Uganda Railway
Science Investigating Shadows

Picture speak........

Children learning about shadows

Drawing each other's shadow..jpg
Maya and Alesta's Shadows.jpg

Quote of the Week

He that plants trees, loves others besides himself -Thomas Fuller

Wishing you a most enjoyable weekend.

The Year 3 Team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence