Year 3 Week 2 Newsletter:Term 2

16th January 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The second week came to a close successfully. We are glad to report that the children are taking it well as they adapt to the school routine while observing all the safety measures that have been put in place to safeguard their wellbeing.

We also take this opportunity to warmly welcome our new Braestars; Manahil A. and Nolan O. who have joined the Year 3 family.

We remain grateful for your steadfast support at all times.


For our lessons every Monday, we kindly request you to support us by allowing your child to carry a laptop which will be used for learning throughout the day.

Please assist your child to cover the exercise books that he/she has received using clear covers.

The weather is too hot. To keep the children hydrated, we request that you ensure your child has a sunhat and a refillable water bottle to use each day.

The children are reminded to come dressed in their PE kit every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Our Learning Focus Next Week;

Subject Objectives
English Reading myths and legends, plan and write a story using the 1st and 3rd person, include a variety of fronted adverbials in written sentences.
Mathematics. Geometry
Geography Going on Safari to Kenya
History Migration and Settling in Kenya
Science Light: Investigate shadows

Annual Theme 'I am a Global Citizen'

#planet’spartner is our target this term.

Quote of the Week

The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you- B. B King

Have a great weekend!

The Year 3 Team

Caught reading....

Carpark time is reading time!.jpg
Car park time is reading time
DEAR is for Drop Everything And Read!.jpg
DEAR stands for Drop Everything And Read!
Look who was caught reading!.jpg
Look who was caught reading!
Taking a break to read a book..jpg
Taking a break to read a book
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence