Year 3 Week 10 Newsletter

14th November 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

It is the end of yet another thrilling week in which the children have worked hard to achieve the objectives on several areas of the curriculum.

Parent/Teacher Consultation Meetings

The above meetings are set for Monday, 16th and Tuesday, 17th November 2020. If you have not done so yet, kindly book a convenient time slot using the Parent/Teacher Consultation Booking Form that the Year 3 teachers have shared with you. Each teacher will also provide a virtual link that will enable you to attend the meeting at the time you have selected.

Kiswahili Day

This year’s Kiswahili Day will be held on Thursday, 19th November 2020. The theme for this special day will be ‘NAITAMBUA LUGHA YANGU’. In their learning, the Year 3 children will focus on Swahili Food. They will be expected to find out more about the Swahili delicacies and make some like pilau, chips mayai, pweza, mtori, samosa, mandazi, bhajia and kaimati.

On Thursday, the dress code will be Swahili clothing. The children will listen to a story told in Kiswahili in the morning during registration. At lunchtime on the same day, we encourage the children to enjoy a Swahili meal.

We look forward to receiving the pictures of our Braestars dressed in Swahili attire, preparing a meal and enjoying it as well.

Braestars of the Week

We commend the following children for their notable improvement and consistency in:

  • Being punctual for lessons.
  • Listening to instructions and actively participating in class discussions.
  • Remaining on task during the lessons.
  • Submitting most tasks on time.
3G 3R 3Y
Emmanuel W. Shanaya W. Brook E.
Malkia M. Rickie W. Alessia M.
Alkia W. Christian M. Kimberly K.
Eli O. Joy M. David O.
Nyanbol C.

Picture speak....

Kimberly playing with her dogs.jpg
Kimberly playing with her dogs
David Gardening.jpg
David gardening
Keeping Fit with Yudish.jpg
Keeping fit with Yudish
Out for some fun with Anastasia.jpg
Out for some fun with Anastasia
Adam and Lucky.jpg
Adam spending time with Lucky, his cat

Tip of the Week


Online time is precious, use it well.

Quote of the Week

To change the world, start with one step. However small, the first step is the hardest of all-Dave Matthews

Wishing you a most enjoyable weekend.

The Year 3 Team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence