Year 3 Week 1 Newsletter

9th January 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Happy New Year 2021!

From the stories the children have shared with us, we believe that each one of you had great moments together during the holiday. We are glad to receive each child back this term ready to learn new things and improve on areas that may have been a challenge last term.

After several months of Remote Teaching and Learning, the children were finally able to sit in their classes, see each other, talk with one another and even play in the big field. All these activities were done as guided by the teachers while observing the safety protocols laid down by the school.

We look forward to a fruitful term.


We have received most of the Maths textbooks, that is, Busy Ants Pupil Book 3A. However, if your child has not returned the textbook, kindly remind him/her to carry it to school on Monday, next week.

Kindly supply your children with all stationery as listed in the letter shared with you this week.

Please assist your child to cover the exercise books that he/she has received using clear covers.

Our Learning Focus Next Week

Subject Objectives
English Reading myths and legends, synonyms, descriptive words, powerful verbs, and spelling words ending with –ology.
Mathematics. Add and Subtract Money
Geography Going on Safari to Kenya
History Locating Kenya in Time and The National Holidays
Science Light: Investigate reflections and shadows

Annual Theme

I am a Global Citizen

#planet’spartner is our target this term.

Quote of the Week

This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.’ -Taylor Swift

Have a great weekend!

The Year 3 Team

Picture speak.......

Boys chatting with their teacher.jpg
Boys chatting with one of the teachers
Class Time.jpg
Class time
Taking a Break.jpg
Taking a break
Rock, Paper, Scissors.jpg
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Being Kind.jpg
Being kind
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence