Year 3 Newsletter - Week 8 Term 3

12th June 2021

Learning continued this week as the children prepared for the end of year assessments that began yesterday.



The weekend is here! It is another opportunity for Braestars to engage in age appropriate chores to collect money to put a mile on our ancillary staff’s faces. Kindly remind your child to make entries of any chores done in his/her job card. The card and the money collected will then be submitted together with the suggested shopping item to the class teacher by 22nd June 2021.

End of Term Tests

These continue next week from Monday, 14th June and end on Wednesday, 16th June 2021. Kindly remind your child to keep his/her laptop and earphones or headphones ready in preparation for the tests next week.


We commend all Braestars who have presented all their projects for assessing in Science, History and Geography. However, to avoid disappointment, we encourage the few that have not yet submitted their work to do so next week by Thursday, 17th June 2021.

Coming Up!

Celebration Assembly Tuesday, 29th June 2021
Community carer/Appreciation Day Tuesday, 6th July 2021

Quote of the Week

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’- Nelson Mandela

Picture speak....

Creative packaging and branding

Craetive Packaging and Branding by Year 3.jpg

Innovative scientists

Innovative Scientists.jpg

Rockets display

Rockets Display by the Braestars.jpg
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence