Year 3 Newsletter - Week 6 Term 3

28th May 2021

After a busy first half of the term, Braestars take a mid-term break for a few days starting today. In the last six weeks, we have sought to answer why the earth rumbles, we have dug through the earth to find out more about rocks and even gone back in time to Ancient Greece. In Maths we have added and subtracted three digit numbers, shared and multiplied, described shapes and worked on fractions. In English we have read stories, written letters, composed better sentences as well as practised our spellings and handwriting.



We take this opportunity to thank parents for the support given to the children as they sat for the online test. The results are out and we are in the process of reading and analysing the data that will be used to plan for each child’s next step in learning.


The submission of projects has been very commendable. The children got an opportunity to present the 3D models brought to school which were subsequently assessed and returned home. The video and photo slides posted on Google Classroom or via email have all been acknowledged.

The Braestars will now focus on the Science Project. The instructions are posted in Google Classroom. Kindly adhere to the set timeline for submission of the same.

David carefully watches the reaction of vinegar and baking soda..jpg
David carefully watches the reaction of vinegar and baking soda
Jayden S watches closely as his mountain bubbles!.jpg
Jayden S. watches closely as his mountain bubbles
Makayla adds more vinegar to her bubbling mountain!.jpg
Makayla adds more vinegar to her bubbling mountain
Stephany shares the moment when her mountain erupted!.jpg
Stephany shares the moment when her mountain erupted

End of Term Tests

These are scheduled to begin on Friday, 11th and end on Wednesday, 16th June 2021.

The children will sit Progress Tests which are online administered tests in English, Mathematics and Science. To facilitate the smooth administration of these tests, we kindly appeal for parents' support in providing a fully charged laptop that your child may use for the tests.

All the Braestars have received the end of term timetable similar to the one posted below for your reference.

Day 1: Friday, 11th June 2021 Progress Test in Science: 8:10am-9:10 am No Test
Day 2: Monday, 14th June 2021 English Writing Task: 8:10am-9:10am Humanities: 10:30am-11:30 am
Day 3: Tuesday, 15th June 2021 No Test Progress Test in Mathematics:10:30am-11:30am
Day 4: Wednesday, 16th June 2021 Progress Test in English: 8:10am-9:10am

Term’s Target


In line with our term target, #CommunityCarer (Put a Smile on Someone's Face), Year 3s shall be putting a smile on the Braeside School Ancillary Staff. To facilitate this, the Braestars will engage in age appropriate chores at home so as to raise money. Further instructions will be shared when we resume school for the second half of the term.

Quote of the Week

‘A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.’ -Denis Waitley

We appreciate every support given to the children from the home front this first half of the term.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence