Year 2 Week 3 Newsletter

25th September 2020

Year 2 Newslink

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are amazed at how quickly the children have settled into their daily online routine.

We have noted how they are becoming more confident and their observation of online etiquette is commendable.

Thank you for encouraging them to be independent and uphold the rules of online learning.


In the coming week, the children will take the NGRT test.

The New Group Reading Test (NGRT) assesses the students' reading and comprehension skills in a single test – helping to identify those students who may need further support and benchmarking their performance against other students of the same age.

You will receive the login access codes via email. It is essential that students complete the test at the same time, therefore kindly ensure that your child logs in to the meeting punctually for an easy start.

Student Council Leadership

Many children have expressed their interest in vying for the position of student council representative. Some have begun working on their campaign posters and things are looking good. Kindly help your child to design their poster if interested in the position. We shall alert you on the mode and date of voting. Keep them coming!

Curriculum coverage next week

Maths: Addition and subtraction of one digit numbers to/ from a multiple of 10.

English: Reading and writing instructions, identifying common and proper nouns.

Science: Identify the differences between living things.

Geography: Recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features, in the context of coastal/seaside locations.

Wishing you a great weekend.

Year 2 Team

Qui Y2 Student Council Representative Poster Sep 23 20.jpg
Helga Kaboyo Poster_page-0001.jpg
DJ for student leader.jpg
Catherine Mwai.jpg
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence