Year 2 Newsletter Week 4

25th September 2021

This week, children practiced addition and subtraction skills which they also extended to solve word problems. Original fables created by the children were written during the English lessons while in Science, they were able to group animals in five main categories. They also studied physical and human features found at the seaside during the humanities lesson.


Nutrition Week

Dates: 27th September – 1st October 2021 Theme: ‘What’s on your plate?’

Please note the following:

Thursday, 30th September 2021 Nutrition Week Breakfast: Children will have breakfast with their teachers during class registration starting at 7:45am.
Friday, 1st October 2021 ‘Dress Up’: Children will attend their classes on Friday dressed in checkered shirts and jeans.


Kindly remind your child to carry a refillable water bottle to school every day.

In adherence to the COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, please check that your child has the correct mask and a spare when leaving for school.

Google Classroom

Invites for the children to join the virtual classroom were shared several weeks ago. Kindly encourage your child to accept the invite. In case of any challenges, please contact your child’s class teacher for assistance.

Happy Birthday

We celebrate with Sila M. who turned 7 on 24/09/2021. We wish him a fantastic 7th year of good health and success in all that he put his hands to do. Happy birthday!

Quote of the Week

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” -Albert Einstein

Aaliyah adds tens and ones.jpg
Aaliyah adds tens and ones
Nadia uses counters to count on.jpg
Nadia uses counters to count
Lexi uses mathematical vocabulary during the lesson.jpg
Lexi uses mathematical vocabulary during a lesson
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence