8th April 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This being the last newsletter of the term, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for your support.
Last week, we took time to commend the children who have excelled in various fields during the end of term assembly. We are incredibly proud of all the students for making our work so worthwhile. Seeing them progress over the term, learning new things and developing new skills has been so rewarding. We hope that learning will continue throughout the holiday and that you will encourage your child to study using the online platforms provided this term. We look forward to meeting you again next term.
Parent-Teacher review meetings
A big thank you to all of you who attended the above meetings to review your child’s progress. We had some great discussion, suggestions and we are now positioned to move forward. Our continued partnership will ensure that our Braestars continue to learn, progress and reach their potential holistically.
We wish you a blessed holiday.
Year 2 Team