High School Week 9 Newsletter

27th October 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have come to the end of yet another busy week of school, week 9 of this term. I sincerely thank all of you who made time to come to school and meet the teachers during the teacher-parent consultations. Let us now work on motivating our children to improve on areas discussed during the consultations.

Year 10 Amboseli Trip

On Monday, 15th October 2018, fifty six year ten students accompanied by five teachers set off for their annual trip to Kibo Safari Camp in Amboseli. This is what one of the students had to say;


‘‘The hotel had exceptional accommodation and served really good food. The activities we took part in were very engaging such as the water cup challenge where teams worked together to beat their counterparts. There was also water polo played in teams, as well as a number of mentally challenging games, which all stressed on the need to listen to one another, work with each other, and most of all have fun. We had a three-hour game drive, where we were privileged to see a whole pride of lions, a  herd of buffaloes,    giraffes, zebras, and many more wildlife. We also got a chance to see flamingoes at the Amboseli lake. It was all breathtaking.  The icing on the cake really was the visit to the Maasai village where we danced with the community members, as well as learnt how to light a fire without the use of a matchstick. Joshua I. made us proud by trying it out, with the guidance of the morans. We also got a chance to visit their maasai market right there in the    village. What a joy it was to see all the beautiful things that can be made from skins and beads. We would really wish to thank the teachers who  accompanied us for always listening to us and being there for us. We also wish to thank our parents and the school  administration for making it possible for us to have such an amazing time’’.  Estime G. Year 10N

Year 11 Mombasa Trip

Year 11 Geography, Environmental Management and Travel and Tourism students went for an educational trip to Mombasa during mid-term break and shared this.

‘‘While on the trip we carried out beach study, had a chance to study the corals in Watamu. We also learnt about the ecosystem in Haller Park and carried out pedestrian and traffic count in Mombasa. Our night classes and homework given thereafter helped us to understand what we learnt during the day. Overall, the trip was not only educative, it was also extremely fun and gave us an opportunity to bond!’’. Gurra E. Year 11K

Year 12 & 13 Savage Wilderness Trip

On Monday, 15th October 2018 the Year 12 and 13 both A-level and B-tech students embarked on a trip to savage wilderness camp ground in Sagana and had this to say.

‘‘It was special and unique in more ways than one, working in randomly selected teams of 12 was very exciting and thrilling. We worked together, inspiring and motivating each other to conquer various activities such as wall climbing, low ropes, archery, stand up paddle board and others. My favorite activity was white water rafting, as the raft moved rapidly down the Tana River’s chaotic path, hurtling us between rocks and spinning us in all directions. It was important that we got to interact and have three days off academic pressure to enjoy ourselves. This trip without a doubt made us stronger and more united. Thank you to our Headteacher, Year Group Coordinator and the teachers who accompanied us’’. Nyasaina O. Year 12A

Wishing you a good weekend ahead.


Ms. Rachel Yongo

Upper School Coordinator



Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence