Week 5 Newsletter - Braeside High School

22nd May 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we draw closer to the end of the first half of term three, I cannot help but reflect on how far we have come this year. Thank you for all you have done to make it possible.

The upcoming weeks will be filled with academic and co-curricular programmes and celebrations. Enjoy each moment and be sure to take time to be present in the moment as it is easy to get caught up in what’s next and lose sight of what is. We have so much to be proud of and thankful for. As we push forward to the end of the year, be sure to take time and appreciate how far we have come and how much has been achieved.

Regular Attendance is Key to Success in School

In order to be successful in meeting the expectations set down by the School, it is imperative that students come to school on a regular basis and maximize their time in school for learning. There is a positive correlation between regular attendance to school and academic success. Our school has an obligation to expect regular attendance and punctuality to school and class. Students have a responsibility to come to school on a daily basis and to be on time to school and to all of their classes. Parents have a responsibility to see that their children meet these obligations. We need to maximize the time we have in school for instructional purposes.


Since the return to School, the sports field has been alive with the sound of students running, jumping, shouting and laughing. Whilst the Games Department offered support and structure for the pupils’ health and wellbeing during lockdown, everyone is delighted to be back on the pitch! I hope that soon we can get back to normal, but until then, learners should just keep enjoying the activities that we can do.

‘How Sport Has Changed Since Covid-19’

Before Covid-19, PE and matches were very social and enjoyable occasions. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the way sport is played and viewed has changed dramatically. For example, contact sport is no more, shaking hands with an opponent is frowned upon! All of the regulations put in place are there to protect the players and prevent the spread of coronavirus. Despite the rules and regulations we now have to follow, keeping fit again has been really enjoyable.

Flu Season

To help stay healthy and decrease the spread of illness in the school, we are encouraging all families to adhere to the following guidelines for sending your child to school:

  • Please keep your child home if he or she is experiencing:

- A fever of more than 37.30C.

- Severe headache.

- Persistent cough or severe sore throat.

  • Social distancing, wearing masks and sanitisation continue being a priority.

Finally, finish strong. This time is critical for student learning and growth. Continue to keep high expectations each day. June will bring us into the end of year assessment season. Please watch for important updates and reach out if you have any concerns.

Have a nice weekend.


Mr. Joel Ndungu

Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence