High School Week 11 Newsletter

10th November 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of week 11 of this term. It has been a busy week for our students with many activities around the school. A big thank you to the MFL  department for organising the MFL day. Our children looked awesome.

Punctuality to School

School begins at 7:45am and as such all students are expected to be in school by this time. Ensure that you drop your child in school by 7:45am for morning registration and activities to be ready for lessons.

School Uniform

We are still sending reminders that your child’s uniform should be labelled with two names. Together we will eliminate lost property problem in our school.

Year 13 Biology Trip to KEFRI

The Year 13 Biology students took time to visit KEFRI to understand the impact of research to biodiversity. "We met some entomologists who educated us on  different types of insects and how their populations are controlled in ecosystems". Merna E. Year 13A

Year 7 Assembly

This week marked the first assembly run by year 7s. Being their first in middle school, the excitement and enthusiasm was evident in the items presented from songs, skits, dances and poems among many.  It is interesting to see how many students want to showcase or build their talent. This group undoubtedly oozes the confidence of  Braestars. From this group, we have found orators, entertainers and leaders.


The 9th of November was MFL day for Key Stage 3 to celebrate Modern and  Foreign Languages culture. The MFL  department together with the students displayed the culture in amazing attires, food, dances and poems among many exciting items. Each year group represented the 18th century culture as follows;

Year 7 - German culture

Year 8 - French culture

Year 9 - Swahili culture

Super 8 Warm up

On Saturday 3rd November Braeside took part in the BGE Super 8 warm up. Braeside was position 3 overall with  outstanding performance from;

Nadia N.          1st place in 1500 meters

Nina D.            1st place in 800 meters 

Andrea N.        2nd place in 1500 meters

Wishing you a good weekend ahead.


Ms. Esther Mokaya              /      Mr. Wallen Nyamota

Year 7 Group Coordinator           Headteacher










Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence