High School Week 10 Newsletter

5th November 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Week Ten has come to the end and it has generally been calm.

Attendance Matters

Students who attend school on time and on a regular basis are more likely to  succeed. Having good attendance also creates a habit that can carry over into work later. Kindly ensure that your child is in school by 7:45am for form period, where pertinent class issues are addressed by the form tutor and to also organise their start of the school day.

Personal Property

Students are asked not to bring personal property of substantial value to school or bring large sums of money to school for any purpose. Students are assigned a    personal locker in school at the beginning of the school year. Students should only use the locker to which they are assigned and should not share lockers.

Uniform Expectation

Students and parents have settled and transitioned well into the routines of the new school uniform. However, it makes my heart sad to see the creeping back of lost property. I feel helpless when I see the new uniform in the lost property    without labels. I once again appeal to parents who never managed to label the uniform to do so urgently.

After School Activities

There are late buses provided to students so that they may take advantage of the activities and extra help opportunities that are available after school. Students who are staying after school for extra help with a teacher or for a school activity may take the bus that leaves at 5:00pm.

Many students who are not involved in any of the above activities often stay after school to “hang out” with friends. Those using school transport and by any chance have no after school activity, will not be allowed to use the late bus. If your child is not picked from the carpark after 3:45pm, please collect them from the designated waiting rooms. Years 10 to 13 wait from the Upper School and Years 7 to 9 wait from the Middle School.

Sports Day

Our sports day is now scheduled for Friday, 16th November from 8:30 - 12:40pm. We hope that the weather holds so that the event can take place. We welcome you to come encourage our students as they compete. Let’s continue to show our positive support for all students who are involved in co-curricular activities.

Thank You

I sincerely continue to thank all parents for the support you are according to us as a school and our children in the area of home learning. Home learning activities must be completed throughout the week. Encourage the learners to make sure work is done and handed in for marking.

Wishing you a good weekend ahead.

Mr. Joel Ndung’u                                                             Mr. Wallen Nyamota

Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral                                     Headteacher


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence