Primary School Week 9 Updates

10th March 2018


‘It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring...’ is what the Crèche children had to say about the rainy weather at the beginning of last week. The forming of the grey clouds and thunder echoing in the background triggered a discussion on rain; where it comes from and what kind of clothing to put on during rainy days. The children brought in their boots, umbrellas, and raincoats and off we went to explore the muddy puddles. Some children splish splashed in the muddy puddles while others helped to clean the muddy wheeled area with brooms and soapy water.

As we continue with our fascinating ‘Teddy Bears’ theme, some of the Crèche children went on a second bear hunt while others continued to build on the bear cave outside our classroom area. This time we had our bag packs, a map, flashlights and hats on. The children listened to the different forest sounds and some of the words used to describe their findings were growl, scared, under, bear, hunt, and paw prints.

This week we shall embark on a new story ‘Polar Bear, what do you hear.’ We shall play a listening and following instructions game, go on a listening walk and create handprint story characters.

Foundation Stage 1

Last week, the children were excited to talk about aeroplanes, helicopters, jets and hot air balloons. Some narrated their experiences about travelling in an aeroplane while others talked about planes they have seen in movies and cartoons.

We learnt that a person who controls an aeroplane is a pilot, this was a stepping stone for our discussions about pilots and an airport. The children actively participated in role play activities where they pretended to be pilots flying big aeroplanes. They also built aeroplanes and helicopters using wooden blocks.

The children were quite astonished to find out that there are some air crafts that do not need an engine, but just strong winds to fly just like kites; these are called hang gliders. It later gave us an opportunity to make kites which we flew outside on a windy day.

During our nature walk around the school, we explored different textures using our sense of touch. The children acquired new vocabulary such as: smooth, rough, bumpy, soft, hard, prick, furry and slimy.  Kindly provide your child with opportunities to use the new words learnt at home.

This week we shall focus on transport by rail.

Foundation Stage 2

Children have been using most of the magic words while interacting with each other. We reviewed the golden rules (Pg. 96 in the school planner) and focused on two of them; be polite and gentle and do not interrupt. Kindly encourage the children to continue with the same at home.

Through role play activities, the children were able to understand the difference between an engineer and an operator. They are now able to identify a few machines which need operators to function and those which don’t. Some children went ahead and designed a newly invented car and labelled it.

While at the malleable area, some children used 3D shapes to design a model of their dream machine. This gave them an opportunity to learn the shape names – cube, sphere, cuboid and cone. They are now able to describe the features of these shapes by comparing one with another.

Our trip to Trufoods Ltd was a rich learning experience for the children. We shall enlighten you more about it in thist week’s newsletter.

Year 1

Last week the children did tests in Math and English. They are slowly getting the hang of tests and are able to read instructions given.

In our learning journey last week, we begun to: read the time to o’clock and half past; sequence months of the year and days of the week.  We also talked about features of spring and learned a new song.

Children have begun to learn about Wangari Mathai and the importance of planting trees. 

We continue to learn new sounds in our phonics sets and also alternative pronunciation of different letters.

Year 2

Last week was the week of testing and assessment, but we took it all in good spirit. The teachers are now in the process of marking the scripts.

During the KS1 assembly the children had a session with Mr. Makuba where they learnt how to draw cartoon faces. The process involved organizing shapes and lines together until a recognizable cartoon face was achieved.

The drawing session was designed to give the children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection and creative thinking.

Year 3

All the tests were successfully completed last Friday. Normal lessons have resumed to enable us to complete the term’s curriculum needs. We are now waiting for the results which will be released this week in readiness for the Parents’ Review meetings which will be held next week.

We acknowledge each child for sitting patiently at their desk for the last four days to think and write the answers to many questions.

Thank you, parents for supporting and encouraging the children.

Important Note

Kiswahili Day will be held on Friday, 16th March 2018.

Children’s Task 

The children have received instructions on the Swahili foods and drinks to research on.

Year 4

Last week was pretty quiet as the children sat for their end of term tests. Feedback will be given this week.

Normal lessons resume today according to the class timetable. Children are expected to have the necessary stationery.

On Friday this week, we will be celebrating Kiswahili Day. Children in Year 4 will be presenting Swahili dishes. Parents are requested to assist the children with the materials they may require for the day. The dress code will be Swahili attire.

The deadline for the second project (15th March) is fast approaching. Children are reminded to submit their projects before this date.

Year 5

Last week was the test week for end of term 2 tests. All the children were able to do their tests and are looking forward to the results. A big thank you to parents for supporting the children with revision. The children have received some of their test results. The remaining ones will be given in the this week.

Year 6

Elsamere Trip

The above named trip was very successful. We wish to thank the parents for allowing their children to take part and picking them up in good time.

Parents’ Reviews

These are scheduled for Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd March 2018.

A letter indicating each parent’s time slot will be sent out this week.

Booster Lessons

We will continue with these lessons this week on Wednesday from 3:45 to 4:45pm. Parents are kindly requested to make transport arrangements for children not on school transport. For those on the school transport, there will be a late bus departing after the session.







Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence