Newsletter Week 2: Year 2

11th September 2021

We appreciate parents' support as the children settled down to a busy learning week and also for taking time to attend the Year 2 Parent-Teacher Meeting.

Our learning this week is summarised below:

Subject Objectives
English Traditional Fables
Phonics Read and spell words containing ‘y’ saying ‘igh’
Mathematics. Read and write numbers to 50 in words and in numerals.Recognise the place value of a 2-digit number.
Humanities What is there around me?
Science Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead and those that have never been alive.


Students’ Council Elections

The elections will be held next week on Wednesday, 15th September 2021.

Kindly support your child to make a campaign poster this weekend. The posters will be pinned on the notice board next to the office on Monday morning. The campaigns will run from Monday to Tuesday when they shall close in readiness for the elections the following day.


The New Group Reading Test (NGRT) is scheduled to be done next week from 17th to 24th September, 2021. The Year 2s will sit for the digital version which comprises three sections: phonics, sentence completion and passage comprehension. The teachers will then use the results to plan as well as track the progress in English for each child.


Kindly remember to label all the items your child brings to school.

Happy Birthday

This week, we celebrate Eddie, Tinisher and Gratia as they turn 7. We wish them a fantastic year filled with beautiful experiences in Year 2.

Quote of the Week

‘We rise by lifting others.’ - Robert Ingersoll

Year 2 Team

Time to paint.jpg
Time to paint
Harry and Austin having a good time painting.jpg
Harry and Austin having a good time painting
Imani and Daniella complete their paintings.jpg
Imani and Daniella complete their paintings
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence