
18th November 2016

In light of recent worldwide events, I have been looking at our school and why I consider our students internationally minded.
The Dalai Lama said that ‘more calm, more compassion, more international feeling is good for our health’
On talking with our older students, I quickly see that they consider themselves ‘world citizens’ and are less bound by country, ethnic, religious and social boundaries than many of ourselves.
If we look at this in context; we live in a difficult time, the world is struggling to absorb seven billion people. Global disintegration seems to be our fate rather than global integration. To avoid this, we as a school are promoting internationalism. Children educated for tomorrow need to be equipped with the skills and habits which allow them to act in meaningful ways both locally and globally and look for solutions rather than problems. It is important to understand the others point of view as it is to understand your own. We foster an ‘us and us’ approach rather than an ‘us and them’ approach.
During my discussion with students, I am encouraged that they are critical thinkers who far from promoting one set of answers to a complex international issue are more likely to explore a range of values and opinions, whilst listening and respecting others opinions. I find our students to be tolerant, promote acceptance and appreciate difference. These are the leaders of tomorrow.


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence