26th October 2019
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I wish to take this opportunity to welcome you and students back after the mid term break. All children have reported back after enjoying one week rest from the classroom. Let us continue encouraging the children to make more progress in the next half of term.
Car Boot Sale
We wish to invite you to this year’s Car Boot Sale organised by the Students’ Council. This event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 2nd November 2019 from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the School’s car park. This is a great opportunity for you to ‘clear up’ any items that are not in use and decongest your wardrobe or store in readiness for new stock that comes with the Christmas season. It also provides an opportunity to shop for your loved ones.
Beyond COP 21 Symposium
Braeside hosted the Beyond COP 21 Symposium. COP stands for ‘Conference of Parties’ and is a series of symposia, hosted all over the world to create awareness among young people on the issues of Global Warming and Climate Change. It complements the work done by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This was the first time, it was being held in Africa.
Students from 6 schools got a chance to interact, learn from each other and make pledges on how to tackle climate change in their own individual capacity. They also got to learn from over 10 organizations who were exhibiting their work on environmental conservation and management. Mr. Peter Milne, founder and director, Target4Green Educational Consultancy and Training Limited from the UK was the keynote speaker.
Parent-Teacher Consultation Meetings
I wish to thank all parents who attended the above meetings. We now have two to go in the coming week and the week after. I encourage the Year 7 parents to come for the meeting scheduled to take place on Friday, 1st November 2019 at 3:45pm. The sixth form meeting will be held on Tuesday, 5th November 2019 at 3:45pm.
Out and About
Over the half term break our Year 10, 11 and sixth form students went for their educational and team building excursions. The students enjoyed the activities offered on the trips. I wish to thank the parents who supported their children in attending these trips.
From the Sports Desk
Braeside x-country team participated in the Turi cross country on 11th October 2019 and displayed good performance in various categories. The U15 boys were joint first position with Turi.
The KAIISSO x-country is this weekend at Oloolua nature trail Karen and the team is ready to represent the school in the event. The Peponi relays and Hurdles was unfortunately cancelled due to the continuing rains but the team continues to train in readiness for the Braeburn Kasarani Meet on 22nd November 2019.
Have a good weekend.
Mr. Martin Aguko
Sports Coordinator