8th June 2019
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am pleased to note that the last part of this term has started on top gear. The warm interaction between our students and staff is quite motivating. One would think that the term has just started since each learner is showing a great sense of enthusiasm in all activities.
Parents Consultations
This week, we have had parents’ consultations for the year 7, year 8 and year 10. The aim was to bring the parents up to date on the performance and conduct of their children. We encourage all our parents to be available on such days to keep our children motivated and guided.
End of Term Exams
Research has shown that exams are a source of stress and discomfort among the young people. As we prepare for the end of year exams, which will be comprehensive, we ask that you support the children as they revise their notes.Encourage them to prepare adequately.
Mathematics Contest
On 6th June 2019, these 4 students, Serah N. Year 7S, Andrea K. Year 7C, Hafsah C. Year 8C and Wanjiku W. Year 8N represented the school in the Junior Mathematics Challenge held in The Nairobi Academy. The event was in two stages; Individual challenge and team challenge. The school was ranked third out of the nine schools that attended.
Key Stage 3 and 4 Debate
Yesterday, the upper school hosted a discourse on 'Whether democracy is the best form of government' which invited diversely thrilling viewpoints. Vastly, both teams put forward very strong arguments and presented their cases clearly; engaging the audience and firmly rebutting the significant other's case. This follows the middle school debate on 'Whether peer pressure is more useful than harmful'; which was equally captivating. We laud and congratulate our passionate debaters who really exerted themselves to showcase their talent and prowess.
Year 7 Pastoral Trip
During the Mid-term break 70 students of year 7 travelled to Brackenhurst Hotel in Limuru for their pastoral trip. The trip program aimed at helping students to appreciate the beauty of working in teams, building up their ability to make sound decisions, enhancing the attitude of resilience, understanding the effects (both positive and negative) of social media to young people’s lives and nurturing a sense of responsibility in caring for what each one of them was carrying along.
They had great fun interacting with the Blue sky Adventures (a team that facilitated the events) especially when they got to the high ropes. A majority of them felt they had overcome a great degree of the fear that makes them not to venture into new horizons in their school life.
From the Sports Desk
The U15 Rugby and Netball teams are preparing for the St. Andrew’s Turi Rugby 7’s and Netball tournaments that are upcoming on 15th June 2019. The U13 Rugby continues to train for the upcoming Ndume 7s on 22nd June 2019 at Pembroke.
We wish the teams all the best as they prepare for the tournaments.
Wishing you a good weekend.
Mr. Wellington Andati
Middle School Coordinator