High School Week 7 Newsletter

23rd February 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have hit the ground running this second half of term as we have successfully come to the end of week seven which was not only marked the beginning of second half of term but has also been packed with a lot of school events. We continue celebrating our students who take lead in the school activities.

Parents Consultation Meetings

Throughout this week, different year groups have held parents teacher consultation evening where both parties got an opportunity to discuss student academic progress. I would like to express gratitude to the parents who made time to attend these important meetings. You are encouraged to continue fostering partnership with the teachers and students to enhance the academic and pastoral experience in the learning process.

EAMUN Conference



The 37th Annual EAMUN Conference is another occasion for our Braestars to show case their internationalism. Our Ambassadors Janice A - Guatemala, Jemima O-  Botswana, Farah D - Kyrgyzstan, Ajitesh T - Grenada are leading their delegations that are distributed in various committees:

Human Rights - Gurra E, Lakshmi N and Tslat K 

Economic -  Misbah C, Stanley M, Fatuma A  

Political - Mostafa J, RuaaT, Ashley M 

Ecology - Chantal O, Samantha W and Anjuman S

Congratulations to Edeja Efendija for her appointment to the post of Secretary General of Model United Nations.  The 37th Annual EAMUN Conference closed yesterday with Braestars registering excellent performance. A resolution by Janice A. was debated and voted for by majority in the Human Rights Committee. In  addition, Gurra E. and Stephanie A. were voted for as the best speakers in the ICJ and Special Summit respectively. 

Out and About

During the midterm break year 8 and 9 had their annual pastoral trips to Tafaria lodge and Lukenya Respectively.  Both teams left school compound on Monday, 11th February and came back on 13th February 2019. During the trips the students engaged in life skills training courses, team building and other activities that aid in character and personality building.

Year 8 Trip Feedback                                                                       

The trip to Tafaria was quite exciting; we had fun great facilitators who took us through a wonderful course through fun activities. The Go dream level one course entailed;

  • Life skills through experiential learning
  • Self- Awareness
  • Self-Control
  • Team building and relationships
  • Responsible use of social media

All these were very relatable to our lives as students. Besides this, we got to bond together as a year group, made friends and learned new things about our friends which strengthened our relationships. The laughter we shared, memories we made and experiences we had were priceless. The Certificates, survival kit and gifts given to use were cool too! Angela N. and Rachel M.

The Lukenya Trip

Our trip to Lukenya was an amazing experience a part from bonding with each other. We did lots of fun activities, held  discussions and learnt a lot on careers and career choices.

We also engaged in team building activities and presentation that will help us in  identifying our interests and abilities.  Responsibility,   making choices and the purpose of life are other topics that we  covered during the sessions. The high rope activities were quite  something. They helped us conquer our fears and develop courage.  It was indeed a very  educative and fun trip. Ivy M, Dylan M, & Liza-Janet H (9S Class)

Mt. Kenya Hiking


Congratulations to our Braestars for making it to the top of Mt.  Kenya. The resilience and determination was evident from our students (The  Hikers Club) who with their teachers went against all adverse weather conditions to climb to 4985 ft above sea level. Once again congratulations  to our High School Hikers Club  members for conquering Mt. Kenya. We are proud of you!

Wishing you a good weekend.


Mrs. Hilder Chacha

Year 8 Group Coordinator



Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence