High School Week 6 Newsletter

5th October 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of week 6 of this term. It has been a busy week for our students with many activities around the school.

25th Anniversary Celebration

We celebrated our 25th Anniversary on Saturday, 28th September 2019. The event was marked with pomp and colour as we celebrated great milestones the school has reached. We extend a special thanks to parents, guests and friends of Braeside School who made time to celebrate with us this memorable occasion.

International Music Day

Braeside High School

Music is a powerful tool that brings the society together. It’s a world’s treasure, and as Braeside, it is part of our life. On Tuesday, 1st October 2019, we celebrated International Music Day where we listened to melodious tunes and music  throughout the day. Students appreciated our diversity through music.

BTEC Trip to Barizi Gardens

The Business Department planned an experiential educational trip to Barizi Gardens for year 13 BTEC students in Kajiado County on Thursday, 3rd October 2019. The purpose of the field trip was to expose our students to team building activities towards achieving learning outcomes. The knowledge and experience learnt enabled the students to demonstrate skills of working as part of a team towards achieving their goals and dealing with any conflict or difficult situations as a team member.

Braeside High School

CIS Universities Fair

The Sixth Form students attended the CIS Universities Fair on Tuesday, 1st October 2019 at Brookhouse School. The fair was be open to students and their teachers and it was aimed at exposing students with relevant university choices from universities from the USA, Canada, UK, Asia and other countries. This is what one of the students had to say;

‘‘The fair opened up my knowledge of the world as I was exposed to far more options than before. As I have attended multiple UK University fairs prior to this, it was a completely new experience as I learnt more about Canada and the USA which are my main interests. I was able to find scholarship opportunities in which I am interested in. Seeing it as my last year and I am beginning the application process and narrowing down my options, I now have a more educated perspective on my potential institutions to further my education as well as connect with other cultures’’. By Nikki G. Year 13A

From the Sports Desk

This week, Under 15 rounders played Greensteds on Friday, 4th October and will play St. Andrew’s Turi today. Under 15 boys football are participating in Braeburn Imani U15 Football Tournament this weekend. We wish the teams success as they represent Braeside.

Have a good weekend.


Ms. Rachel Yongo

Upper School Coordinator

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence