High School Week 2 Newsletter

19th January 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Early in any new term is a great opportunity to encourage your child apply improved habits for learning through having good study routines, being organised, being positive about potential for success and then being prepared to put in the effort. Our core business of providing a quality education in a caring, supportive environment remains the same. Our guiding statements; Erudition, Equality,  Internationalism and Respect will continue to be drivers of our practice.

When asking your child how they are doing at school, don’t forget to ask where they were and how much they have improved. In other words, “What do you now know that you didn’t know before?” This is where we should be directing the highest praise and then working collaboratively to determine what the next jump will be.

Mock Examinations

This provides an excellent opportunity for students to sit examinations very similar to the ones they will be sitting in May/June 2019 and it is therefore essential that the students prepare carefully and are extensively assessed at the same time. As the year elevens’ complete their mocks on Monday, this exercise will have prepared them well for their IGCSE exams. The year twelves’ and thirteens’ will sit for their mock in early February. 

Target Setting

On assembly last week, students in Years 7 to 13 were encouraged to reflect on their end of term one reports as a guide to set targets of improvement. All students have the potential to do better and strive for excellence.

Year 9 Subject Options

This term is a very important time for the Year 9 students. They will embark on the path of selecting for option subjects which will subsequently inform their future paths in education and career. The school will provide subject information and  career paths, later in the term invite professionals to speak with the students.

PURE’s Mentorship Programme

We took a group of 16 students to State House Nairobi, on Thursday, 17th January 2019 for the PUREs event. This is a ‘Pupils Reward Scheme’ initiated by The President to motivate pupils to work hard in their studies and instil in them a sense of discipline, direction and patriotism. We hope the pioneer cohort from Braeside will live up to the ideals of this noble cause.


The Braeside High School Games Department’s aim is to develop the complete   student-athlete. We envision students who embrace sportsmanship, teamwork and dedicated work ethic. Our ultimate goal is to produce responsible, productive,   employable citizens who recognize the value and enjoyment of sport. The school’s staff is dedicated to these goals as we prepare each competitive team to represent our school. This term we will take part in competitions in basketball, football,  hockey and swimming. Let us praise the efforts of our teams and reap the reward of their gratitude.

Wishing you a good weekend.                        


Mr. Joel Ndung’u

Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence