High School Week 14 Newsletter

30th November 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we approach the end of another busy term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given both your child and the school. It has been a long term filled with many events and activities. Your attendance to our 25th anniversary celebration, parent/teacher meetings, our sports days and to our school production is much appreciated. It is wonderful to end the term when students and staff are on high spirits for the achievements attained throughout the term.

Year 11 Mock Exams

Our Year 11 students will be sitting for their mock exams immediately we open on the first day of school next term (7th January 2020). They have been issued with their timetables and we expect that for them learning will continue throughout the holiday and that you will encourage and support your child to study and prepare for these important exams. This is a sign and reminder that their final IGCSE exams are around the corner.

End of Term Reports

The end of term reports are ready. Please log in to the iSAMS parents portal from next week Wednesday, 3rd December 2019 and get your child's report. Please have a discussion with your child on areas they have done well and on areas where they need improvement. If you have any challenges logging into the parents’ portal, please get in touch with the office.

School Uniform

Uniform is a symbol of our school and should be worn with pride. I am delighted in the way our students have worn their uniform during the term with confidence. We will continue to be vigilant to ensure that our students wear their uniform correctly at all times. There are so many school uniform items in the lost property section without names. We remind you that all uniform items must be clearly labelled with the child’s full name. 

After School Activities

There will be no after school activities in the coming week. Kindly make arrangements to pick your child at 3.30pm. It has come to our attention and it is becoming a concern that there are so many students in school after 3.30pm without activities.

We really need your support on this matter going forward as it poses a big challenge to us as staff, managing big numbers after school. Therefore will be no late bus services in the coming week. Those who will be left behind will seek alternative means of transport.

Closing Day

I would like to remind parents and carers that the term ends on Friday, 6th  December at noon. Please make arrangements to pick your child at that time.

I take this early opportunity to wish all of you a restful break with your children and enjoy the holiday season. Merry Christmas and happy new year, 2020.

School opens for term 2 on Tuesday, 7th January 2020.


Mr. Wallen Nyamota


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence