High School Week 13 Newsletter

24th November 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of Week 13. Our students have been busy doing their end of term examinations and I thank you for the continued support.

IGCSE Art Mock Examination

The year 11 Art and Design examination ended successfully last week after two eight hour sessions of exploration of ideas and forms leading to a final outcome. The overall aesthetic in this particular examination showed that the students had a clear understanding of how to organize the visual elements required in the set assessment objectives.  We wish them well as they prepare for the final IGCSE examination in January 2019.

School Production 


With the ticking of the clock, euphoria built as our talented thespians prepared to walk us through 'A Wonderful Vacation'. We were very delighted to open theatre doors from Thursday for students, invited schools, parents and family as we    showcased the magnificent and terrific talent that lies in our children. All  stakeholders and drama enthusiasts are still welcome for the Saturday show which starts at 5.00pm. It is extremely captivating to see what our passionate and talented ‘Braestars’ are behind the curtains, so much has gone on: rehearsals, the costumes, the make-up and teamwork. You can literally see the sense of good citizenship written in the cast’s face; relishing the privilege to belong. This is not the event you want to miss! Please lend us an hour this weekend and we promise to add value along, as we all show solidarity in supporting our elated actors.  While at it, enjoy the trip to Hawaii and have ‘A  Wonderful Vacation’.

Year 10 Fathers’ Breakfast

The Year 10 Fathers’ Breakfast was held on Tuesday 20th November 2018 at 6.30am. The speaker, shared some insights and strategies on how fathers can support their children as they face the various challenges in this day and age. He especially dealt on the issue of stress as a key inhibitor to successful fatherhood. He elaborated on the fact that men need to exercise regularly, eat and sleep well,  meditate, solve the cause of stress avoid stressful situations, accept things you can't change, don't take on more than you can handle and trying a “glass half full”  attitude.

Fill A Bucket

The festive season is here with us, a moment to celebrate with friends and relatives reflecting on how the year has been. We however, notice that around us are people who may not have any reason to celebrate. They lack the most basic things that many times we hardly think of as important. Our students are doing a campaign to collect dry foods, cooking fat/oil, clothes, shoes, toiletries, sanitary pads, diapers, toys, books and other basic accessories to share with the less fortunate. By supporting your child, you can be part of this campaign. Cause a smile this festive season.

Wishing you a good weekend ahead.


Ms. Irene Ngahu

Year 9 Group Coordinator     


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence