High School Week 12 Newsletter

17th November 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of week 12 and I sincerely thank you for your continued support. 

Fathers’ Breakfast Season II

Our second Fathers’ Breakfast will be on Tuesday, 20th November 2018. Year 10 Fathers are asked to come at 6:30am. Breakfast will be served as we explore ways of supporting our children at home. See you there over a cup of coffee.

School Production

The drama department is proud to present our school production entitled ‘A   Wonderful Vacation’. The students have worked extremely hard to prepare for this show and we are excited to invite you all to come out and watch your children perform!

When: Friday, 23rd November 2018       6:00pm - 7:30pm

           Saturday, 24th November 2018   5:00pm - 6:30pm

Where: Braeside School Theatre

Tickets: Students 300/= and Adults 500/= (Sold at the entrance or you can purchase advance tickets from the accounts office).

U19 Boys Football Tournament

The KAIISSO U19 Boys Football Tournament took place on Saturday, 10th November at Braeside. It was the first tournament for the U19’s to be held in Braeside and it was played on a round robin league. We congratulate the boys for being the winners of the  tournament. 

Sports Day

Finally, the much awaited Braeside High School Sports day took off at 8.40am on a bright and sunny Friday, 16th November to an exciting showcase of an array of sporting talents from the students, parents and teachers. Every house put its best foot forward in an atmosphere of great competition that saw a mix of strategy, team spirit and determination.

We would like to thank the parents and visitors for making time to grace the event and taking part in the exciting students, parents and teachers race. The winning house was Nyati and the following students crowned the best per year group.

Year 7 Girls - Andrea N. & Yelena K.                 Year 7 Boys - Lincoln K.

Year 8 - 9 Girls -  Waridi M.                                Year 8 - 9 Boys - James K.

Year 10 - 13 Girls - Anne J.                                Year 10 - 13 Boys - Mahmood A.

Well done to all the participants and see you at our next Sports day.

Wishing you a good weekend ahead.


Mr. Leonard Mwendwa

Year 12/13 Group Coordinator     


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence