High School Week 11 Newsletter

9th November 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of week 11 of this term. It has been a busy week for our students and staff. I wish to thank you for your continued support.

Message From our Alumni

Stephanie Ally Wangu Wangoru, former head girl 2018 Braeside School was appointed course representative for Leeds Becket University, School of Health and Community studies for the full period of her studies 2019-2022. Her day to day duties includes working with the Course Administrator to ensure all students are well represented as well as the smooth running of the course.

She is currently in 1st year undertaking her Undergraduate degree in BSc Public Health and Society. During the recent UK University Fair held at Leeds Beckett University, Stephanie was in charge of representing her course and country in welcoming potential students from all over the United Kingdom to the University. She recently organized a trip to the UNESCO World Heritage site in  Saltaire, Shipley to investigate the correlation between social health determinants. 

World Scholars

Braeside High School

A group of three students are visiting United States, Yale University between 8th to 13th November 2019 for a world scholars conference. This enrichment program is designed to connect students with adult members of the community who assist them in developing their goals, confidence and training that will enable them to positively contribute to the society.

Year 13 Biology Trip To KEFRI

On Wednesday, 6th November 2019, Year 13 students had an opportunity to interact with plant researchers in the molecular biology and tissue culture laboratory. They were taken through the different syllabus recommended research techniques.

Braeside High School

Interact/CTV Week

4th to 8th November marks the world interact week and as such the Interact Club in collaboration with CTV Department organised a myriad of activities throughout the week. Art displays, inter class tournaments, cultural food displays and DT project displays were among the activities for the week which culminated in an exciting end of the week talent show. These activities ensured that students got an opportunity to showcase their skills, abilities and talents.

Braeside High School

Car Boot Sale

A special thank you to parents, guardians and friends of Braeside School who made this event a success.

Braeside High School

Sports Day

We held our Annual Sports Day yesterday. All houses displayed great performance in individual and team events. We congratulate chui house for being the most disciplined house. Simba house emerged the overall winners.

Braeside High School

Individual awards were as follows;

  • Top Year 7 Boy - Lerroy O
  • Top Year 7 Girl - Chiara R
  • Top Year 8/9 Boy - Marten Z & James K
  • Top Year 8/9 Girl - Taamuli B
  • Top Year 10/13 Boy - Calvin O
  • Top Year 10/13 Girl - Anne J

We appreciate everyone who made this event a success and well done to all the athletes who took part. 

Have a good weekend.


Mrs. Hilder Chacha

Year 9 Group Coordinator

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence