High School Week 10 Newsletter

16th March 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have successfully come to the end of week ten and I would like to share the following with you.

End of Key Stage 3 Examinations

Year 9 students commenced the End of KS3 Examinations this week. The assessment is a step towards ensuring that there is a fair and accurate measure of how effectively the school helps students to progress. We are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that we have provided a strong platform for our learners to progress from KS3 to KS4 seamlessly. We continuously help them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. We wish them success in the next stage of their academic life and assure them of our unlimited support as they unlock their potential.                                                                                            

Humanity Week


This week we celebrated 'Humanity' with special focus on global challenges. We had a number of activities happening to celebrate the theme so all learners had the choice to  participate. The activities sensitized them on the challenges facing humanity. Students had an opportunity to look into the following themes; human rights, gender inequality, racial intolerance, poverty and crime. Students are encouraged to identify with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building community's values and practices.

Year 11 Dinner Dance

On Saturday 16th March, Year 11 students will be holding Leavers’ Dinner Dance at Sankara Hotel. We wish them an enjoyable evening. Candidates are reminded that hard work and dedication are the only mantras in the journey to success. Without being passionate and the willingness to work hard, no one can achieve success. A concerted effort is crucial at this time to encourage, support and guide the candidates as they prepare for their final IGCSE, Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level Examinations.              

Year 8 History Trip to Kenya Railway Museum                              


On Wednesday, the Year 8 students got an opportunity to visit to the Kenya Railway Museum in Nairobi. We had a fantastic session at the museum where questions pertaining to the early history of the railway line and Kenya’s development were adequately answered. We learnt about the challenges faced by the construction workers on the Kenya-Uganda Railway for instance, the man eaters of Tsavo and how diseases could scourge the construction of the railway line. Taking a walk through the main gallery and an outdoor collection of  locomotives, wagons and coaches was one of breath taking beauty.  By Kundai M. Year 8N

BTEC Students Trip to Wonderjoy Party World


On Thursday, the Year 12 & 13 BTEC students went out on an educational trip to Wanderjoy Party World, an all-in-one events management company. We interacted with company staff and had experiential learning opportunities such as DJing, management and planning of events. We were also briefed on the importance of observing health and safety,  challenges of internet  marketing,  importance of keeping  inventory for managing physical resources as well as how to do follow up after a business event. The Information gathered will go a long way to helping us complete our assignments for this term.                                                                                   By Nthemba L. Year 13Y                                                            

Wishing you a good weekend.


Mr. George Biaru                                                          

Head of Mathematics and IT Department


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence