High School Week 1 Newsletter

27th April 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians,

A warm welcome back to a new term. After an enjoyable Easter holiday, we now look forward to an exciting last term of the year. I wish to state that we, as the teaching staff are ready to serve the learners as we provide the best in education. Our goal is to ensure that students acquire knowledge, develop skills and establish work habits necessary to become responsible citizens of the world.

Research has shown that one of the most important factors in determining students’ success in school is parental interest and involvement in their child’s education. I therefore encourage parents to increase their involvements by attending school  activities and meetings. Don’t hesitate to visit school regularly and communicate regularly with your child’s Form Tutor or Headteacher. If there is a concern, the best way to address it is to follow up on the issue immediately. Together, we will continue to make our school a great place to learn.

This is a short but very busy term. Kindly refer to the attached school calendar and find the events lined up for the term.

I wish to remind the Year 11, 12 & 13 parents of our meeting on Monday, 29th April 2019 at 4:00pm in the school theatre. All are expected to attend as we usher in this very important exam session for their IGCSE and GCE exams.

Year 9 Options Evening



We had a successful Year 9 Options evening on Friday, 26th April 2019. A big thank you to parents and guardians who came to celebrate with students and teachers the success at KS3 and as they move to KS4.   



The Year 9’s have selected their subjects for IGCSE and are looking forward to starting their IGCSE Course on 30th April 2019.

Year 9 Community Service

Year 9 students will be donating the monies collected during the bake sale in first term as well as spending some time with rehabilitated street boys at Zabibu Centre in Ruiru. This will take place on Monday, 29th April 2019 from 8:30am to 1:00pm. Each student is encouraged to bring an item to contribute to the well being of the Children’s literacy at Zabibu Centre like a storybooks, magazines, newspapers as well as dried foodstuffs, school bags and clothes.

Wishing you a good weekend.


Mr. Wallen Nyamota



Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence