High School Week 1 Newsletter

12th January 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Happy New Year ! I hope you had an enjoyable festive season. I take this opportunity to welcome you to the start of term 2. Most students are back and already busy with exciting school activities and events planned for the term.

New Families

A particular warm welcome to the new families who joined the Braeside family this term. The new students are settling in school well. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us incase your child has any challenges in settling in.

Year 11 Mocks

The Year 11 Mock Examinations have been ongoing since we opened school on Tuesday, 8th January 2019. The exams will be on until Monday, 21st January 2019. Students are expected to be in school everyday even on days they don’t have an exam. Join me in wishing our Year 11’s good luck in their exams. Results will be ready to be handed to parents on Tuesday, 29th January 2019 where individual   parents and subject  teachers will discuss the performance.

Outstanding Pearson Learner Awards

Once again, our BTEC students from last year’s class have made us very proud. The following students will be awarded the above prestigious award from Pearson for attaining Distinctions in all the BTEC units they studied.

Chrissie N.                 Frank K.          Mukami M.

Mukaz K.                    Suhail W.

Join me in congratulating the students and teachers for these wonderful results. We are proud of them!

Academic Concerns Meetings

At the end of last term, some of you received letters inviting you for the meetings. Thank you to those who have responded and I request that those who have not, please make an appointment through secretaryhigh@braeside.ac.ke. It is important that we follow up on the academic performance of the concerned children.

After School

I request parents to pick your child(ren) at 3:30pm unless they are doing an after school activity. For those using school transport, your child(ren) will not be allowed to use late bus unless they were involved in after school  activities.

New Teacher

Join me in welcoming a new staff member who joined this term. Mr. Erick Salano will be teaching Chemistry and Physics.

This term, we will be celebrating 25 years of Braeside’s existence as we join the Braeburn family in celebrating 40 years of existence. Thank you for your continued support.

Once again welcome and looking forward for a good and busy term ahead.

Wishing you a good weekend.


Mr. Wallen Nyamota



Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence