Creche Week 9 Newsletter

7th November 2020


By Dr. Seuss

If we didn't have birthdays, you wouldn't be you.

If you'd never been born, well then what would you do?

If you’d never been born, well then what would you be?

You might be a fish! Or a Toad in a Tree.

You might be a door knob! Or three baked potatoes!

You might be a bag full of hard green tomatoes!

Or worse than all that…..Why, you might be a WASN’T!

A wasn’t has no fun at all. No he doesn’t.

A wasn’t just isn’t. He just isn’t present.

But you……..You ARE YOU! And now isn’t that pleasant!

Picture speak.......

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Israella Castle party cups.jpg
Sanvi crown.jpg
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence