Braeside wins the Braeburn Nanyuki Cross Country

7th May 2018

On Saturday, 5th May 2018, our U9, U11 & U13 cross country team had a great start to the day. The team arrived at Braeside in good time for a five o’clock departure.

The four hour journey to Nanyuki was safe and this led to a good performance across the board.

Five schools took part in the cross country. These were; Braeburn Gitanga, Braeburn Imani, Braeside, St. Christopher’s and the host Braeburn Nanyuki.

Not even the long journey could dampen the team’s spirit as the participants  displayed their track prowess as per the results below;


1st Position

U13 boys

1st Position

U9 Boys and Girls

1st Position  

Commendable Individual performances

U13 Boys & Girls

Nadia Ndibo - 1st Position

Nati Tedesse - 3rd Position

U11 Boys and Girls

Chiara Renard: 1st position

Geetee Tafaria:  3rd position

U9 Boys

Travis Kanyeki - 2nd Position

Joe Kanyingi - 3rd Position

Congratulations to our young athletes and the sports department for a job well done.



Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence