Braeside High Week 2 Updates

27th April 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are coming to the end of week two. It has definitely been a busy week for the students. I am now confident that the students have settled in well and adjusted to the daily routine.

Year 9 Start of Key Stage 4

This week marked the start of Key Stage 4 for our Year 9 students. We held a transition and options meeting last week on Thursday evening. They are excited to start their IGCSE options and are settling down well to the new expectations. Congratulations to all our Year 9 students for successfully completing KS3 and welcome to KS4.

Year 11’s Study Leave, Examinations and Sixth Form Application

Year 11 students commenced their study leave on Wednesday, as they await to sit for their final IGCSE. The written papers begin on Tuesday 1st May with O Level Swahili. Please join me in wishing them success in their examinations. Sixth Form is for 16–18 year olds. Staying on at Braeside for sixth form confers many advantages including the stability you gain from staying in the same environment, the support system Braeside High offers, the familiarity you will have with the school and the insight staff have into individuals’ needs. Braeside’s Sixth Form also offers a good selection of subject choices and good class sizes. Current Year 11s who have not submitted applications for next year but who wish to do so can obtain an application from the office.

A/AS Study Leave Examinations

On Monday, 30th April, we will have a meeting with A/AS Level candidates and parents for examination briefing at 3:45 pm in the School Theatre. They will commence their study leave on Wednesday 2nd May 2018. I would like to wish all of our students well in their forthcoming exams.

Term’s Focus

This term we are laying great emphasis on Academic progress for each  student and our focus will be on reviewing targets that were set at the start of the Year thus determining the level of progress made in the course of the three terms. This will lay the basis for discussions during Parents meetings after the half-term break. We shall also look at recognizing and rewarding students not only in Academics but in other facets of their school life at the end of the academic year. 

Wishing you a good weekend ahead.


Mr. Joel Ndungu

Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)


Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence