Braeside High Week 2 Newsletter

16th January 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have come to the end of week 2 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.

Settling In

Our students, the Braestars, have shown great strength and resilience while adjusting to physical learning despite the protocols they have to observe to stay safe. We salute them. It is so pleasing and encouraging to observe students settling in and quickly adjusting to the routine of the new term, especially after having been on remote learning.

Year 9 Options

All Year 9 students are encouraged to start thinking about the subjects options that they would like to take at IGCSE. With your support, students are asked to think about the subjects that they are best at, which they enjoy and which may help them in the future. We encourage students to take a wide range of subjects so that future options are kept open with regard to their future studies and career direction. They have been advised to speak with the subject teachers and department heads about their subject choices. A program has been put in place to have them guided throughout the term.


You may notice that teachers will still post homework on the online platform, please support the students in this regard. Many subjects will be doing continuous assessments in the coming weeks. Encourage them as they revise for the tests and even as they do research and small projects as teachers assess the skills gained. The candidates are busy preparing for their mock examination which is coming in two weeks time. Please keep them encouraged.

Book Week and Book Donations

It has been impressive watching students take every available opportunity to read a book. It was great seeing students read during breaks, morning registration and even in each lesson. Teachers allowed them a few minutes to read before proceeding with their lessons. We hope this valuable practice will continue. Thank you parents for making it happen. We are fully aware that the books our students read or donated, had a parental involvement in one way or the other. Some of you parents literally carried books to school in support of this initiative. Thank you.

Book Week Reflections

Students read various literary texts covering a variety of themes. Here are their experiences and reflections.

‘‘This week has been fabulous! So many terrific things happened and I am looking forward to another week with fun activities. I have read three books. In fact, I was inspired to dress up as Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. I applaud the teachers for planning such a fun week’’. Sarah K. Year 7N

‘‘The week has been good in my opinion. Reading formed a good part of this week because of how we managed to combine reading and doing class at the same time’’. Michael I. Year 8N

‘‘Book week was interesting. I enjoyed watching the movie adaptation of ‘The Boy in Striped Pajamas’. Mikias T. Year 8S

‘‘A book is like a portal. The first few pages act as a doorway and as you read on, you suddenly find yourself engulfed in this life that isn't yours, this story that isn't yours, and you just don't want to leave. Even one book can change your entire outlook on life as well as your mindset. A good book, to me, is a treasure’’. Asma A. Year 11N

‘‘To some people books are just papers. To me books mean peace. It has always been a magical experience when I open a book and be placed in a situation where I can escape and find myself in a place where I can live with the characters and feel what they feel. They are not just an escape but an opportunity where I can be another person; whoever I want to be and go on any adventure and be filled up with the warmth of, for once, escaping responsibilities’’. Daisy K. Year 12R

‘‘Books tell the story of someone else. Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives we forget there are others. Anywhere you can imagine, books have been there and if they haven’t, it won’t be long. Why bother dealing with reality when you could live in someone else’s? Mbugua M. Year 9K

‘‘To me books are a great source of knowledge and wisdom. They allow me as the reader to look at and criticise the world we live in today through a different lens. In turn, I can use the knowledge acquired as a compass to wade through this life when I need it most thus unlocking the ability to make sound judgement, thanks to books that have timeless fundamental lessons’’. Bridget M. Year 13A

Covid 19 Message from our student

Hey Everyone! We all know that the virus is spreading across the globe (rapidly); some people have recovered and many have lost their loved one. However, look at the bright side, this pandemic will end soon and we can get through this, TOGETHER!

Remember to always be positive, happy and smile! Don’t worry, be happy! by Chantal K. Year 7N

Have a nice weekend.


Mr. Wellington Andati

Deputy Headteacher - Academics

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence