Braeside High School Updates

7th November 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

After some time off from school due to elections, I can now say that all students and staff are back to school and have embarked on serious teaching and learning plus other extra-curricular activities.

All after school activities will now run as usual. Plan your times accordingly to pick the children up on time after school. We still have a concern on the big number of students remaining in school who are not participating in after school activities. This is a concern and we need to support the school on this matter by picking the children on time after school.

Parent-Teacher Consultation Meetings

I wish to thank all parents who have managed to attend the above meetings for the respective classes in the past. We now have two to go in the coming week. I encourage the Year 12/13 parents to come for the meeting scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 7th November at 3:45pm. The Year 9 meeting will be held on Thursday, 9th November at 3:45pm. We allocate 10 minutes per meeting so if you wish to have a longer discussion please arrange an alternative time with the teachers.

CAT 4 Assessments

All students in the school have sat for the above tests and reports have been issued to parents during Parent - Teacher Consultations Meetings.  CAT 4 is a tool we have started using in school to help us measure progress of our students in different subjects. The tests will also help us in setting Target Grades for all subjects.

CAT 4 are cognitive Ability Tests which cover a wide range of areas such as, verbal, non-verbal, spatial and quantitative reasoning. Among other advantages the tests will help us identify strengths, areas of improvement and development for our students. This will also provide us with strategies on how different students learn best in the classroom, depending on their strengths.

I encourage parents to go through the reports which were issued during the Parent-Teacher Consultation Meetings and see how best you can support your child from home. If you have any questions about the report, don’t hesitate to contact us for explanations.

Wishing you a good week ahead.


Mr. Nyamota - Headteacher    

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence