Braeside High School Newsletter - Week 4

25th September 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have just concluded a very eventful week 4 and I want to thank all of you parents for making it to happen. Braestars have always looked happy as you drop them in school every morning and they have kept you waiting every evening as they attend to their club activities. In this regard, you have been part of our success and we applaud you.

Examination Preparations

Our year 13 students are busy putting the final touches on their preparation for the October-November AS Exam that is starting in a few weeks’ time. Join us in wishing them all the best. Let us also support them where possible. The teachers have come up with a great plan to support these candidates during revision much as we are covering the A2 work. This is designed to also take care of those who already sat their AS exam. It is our hope that those writing the exam will do well.

Students’ Leadership

Braestars elected the student council executive committee members after heated campaigns. It was exciting and satisfying to see most of the aspirants express themselves before their peers trying to convince them of what they were to bring on board if elected. All aspirants did their best and we want to congratulate them for expressing their desire to lead and for putting up spirited campaigns. Again, to the entire Braeside student community, we salute you for exercising your democratic right by voting.

The following are the elected leaders.

Class Representatives

Year Group Boy Girl
7 Nathan M. Mikayla D.
8 Ryan M. Hadassah O.
9 Nathan M. Olive K.
10 Lincoln K. Meagan M.
11 Nathaniel N. Kundai M.
12 Cliffe Z. Nadine M.
13 Jermaine K. Tslat K.

Executive Council Members

President Matthew M.
Vice President Andy K.
Treasurer Mary M.
Vice Treasurer Krishan L.
Secretary Savana M.
Vice Secretary Randall G.

The elected leaders had this to say about their dream and how they want to make their contribution.

‘‘I'd want to express my gratitude to the students who elected me as President of Braeside. It will not be an easy undertaking, but I will give it my all. I guarantee the students that I would do all in my power to fulfil my mandate and keep the commitments I made to them. I will undoubtedly leave this school in a better state than it is now’’. President - Matthew M.

‘‘I’d like to thank those who voted for me. I promise to make a change and not to disappoint my fellow students. Thank you once again’’. Secretary - Savana M.

‘‘Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank everyone who voted me to be your school treasurer. I promise you that as the new treasurer, I will do my very best to meet your expectations and listen to your suggestions and ideas in terms of helping the school to raise more money. Thank you’’! Treasurer - Mary M.

President’s Award Hike To Machakos

On Saturday 18th September 2021, the President’s Awards Club members went on a hike to Machakos. This is what one of the student’s had to say:

‘‘It was a 2 hour journey and 15km hike. The hike was an exciting, recreating trip that helped cement a positive relationship with our fellow club members and teachers. Hiking up the hill was a hot, lengthy and arduous journey to complete, while going down was fun and easier yet difficult to do with the wrong kind of shoes. Luckily, we had instructors to assist and inform us through it all”. Neema M. Year 12A

Rhino Cup Debate

We are delighted to report that our talented Braestars emerged victorious in the first round of the Annual KAIS Rhino Cup Debate. Braeside's delegation was ably represented by Imani K. Tamasha M. and Esteem G. in the virtual competition. The motion was 'That Tourism is Beneficial for the Environment' and our team put up a spirited proposition against Woodcreek School. Congratulations to our debaters for their well deserved win.

Games and Clubs Activities

This term, our games department is focusing on athletics. As such, the teachers have planned activities that will continue to give each child an opportunity to keep fit and to do competitive running while observing COVID-19 protocols. A track within the school environment has been marked out to still expose the learners, now that we cannot do inter-school activities.

It has been exciting to see the enthusiasm with which our students have embraced club activities. I know that this has caused a strain on some of our parents when you have to wait for them at 3:30pm. Please, understand them, they had missed such.

Have a nice weekend.


Mr. Wellington Andati

Deputy Headteacher - Academics

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence