Braeside High School Week 11 Highlights

13th November 2021

This week was glittered by a plethora of activities that sought to develop students' talents and skills. It has been awesome witnessing the confidence, sense of responsibility and learners enjoying success.

Sports Days

Our termly sports days were held on Wednesday, 10th November 2021 for Upper School and Friday, 12th November 2021 for Middle School. The students displayed great teamwork as they ‘went for the gold’ to secure victory for their houses. The results were as follows:

Upper School

1st place - Chui

2nd place - Kifaru

3rd place- Simba

4th place - Nyati

Middle School

1st place - Kifaru

2nd place - Chui

3rd place - Nyati

4th place - Simba

Congratulations to Chui and Kifaru and well done to all participants.

Remembrance Day

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 103 years ago, guns went silent and the First World War ended after more than 4 years of fighting. The war was fought in trenches under horrible conditions which signified death and despair. Despite all the hardships, one thing seemed to flourish, ‘THE POPPY’. It became a symbol of life and hope among all the fighting and has since been adopted for Remembrance Day.

Our Braestars participated in the remembrance by buying poppies. We also observed 2 minutes of silence for those who lost their lives in combat. LEST WE FORGET.

Battle of the Crows Colloquium (BCC)

We are pleased to report on the successful BCC preliminaries. Students displayed great erudition in a highly competitive contest. We wish all finalists nothing but the best as they prepare for the season 2 challenge.

BTEC Team Building

On Thursday, 4th November 2021, the Year 13 BTEC students undertook a team building activity based on the ongoing Unit (9) about ‘Team Building in Business’.

At the end of the activity, students were able to reflect on what they learnt, which included good communication skills, shared responsibilities and conflict resolution, just to name a few. It was a great experience. Husayn T. Year 13Y

Braeside Alumni Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural Braeside Alumni meeting took place on Friday, 5th November 2021. This dream became a reality as former Braeside students reunited with energy and excitement to start off the Braeside Alumni chapter. They set the ball rolling by coming up with an interim committee, appointing officials and identifying some engagement opportunities. We are indeed looking forward to infusing their knowledge and experience to help Braestars shine even brighter.

Hiking Club

On Saturday, 6th November 2021, the hiking club had a cycling activity. Students braced the terrain and heat of the day, beating all odds to finish the course. The first group covered 20km and the second one covered 12km. We recognise David H. of Year 9S, who cycled an extra 5km in search of a group that had taken the wrong turn. He demonstrated the Braeside spirit of care and leadership. Well done David and all the cyclists!

Continuous Assessments

The above assessments are currently ongoing and these will be graded for end of term. Students were provided with Assessments Plans indicating the week when these assessments are to be completed and areas to be covered. We therefore urge all students to take these assessments seriously, revise and prepare for them diligently. We wish them the best of luck as they continue taking the assessments.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence